DevoTalk: Experience the game changing new release from Automation Anywhere
By Jesper Holmegaard, Principal Sales Manager & Christophe Legland, Partner Success Manager Lead Southern Europe, Automation Anywhere, held on Thursday, 2 September.
Automation Anywhere is a global leader in Robotic Process Automation and with it's extremely user friendly platform, it is being applied to a wide array of use cases across the enterprise. With its recent release, the Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface (AARI), the applicability increases further. With this cloud enabled and easy-to-use addition to the suite, employees are now offered a true 'digital assistant' approach to scaling RPA. In this webinar you will discover:
- How AARI is a key component to leverage RPA for thousands of business users and accelerate scale across the enterprise.
- What is behind the scene and how AARI takes advantage of the only Cloud Native RPA platform by Automation Anywhere.
- How to easily design very simple interfaces and processes that will serve as personal assistants
- How AARI is a gamechanger that will transform teamwork & collaboration between bots and humans